Jodi GayPhone: 506.459.BODY (2639)

Jodi Gay joined the Body Renewal Team in 2015. She had previously owned her own massage business in Fredericton for twenty years. Jodi’s twenty years of experience have given her clinical reasoning and a complex yet intuitive understanding of the body. She is registered to National Standards and graduated from the Northumberland College in Halifax. In her work, Jodi likes to educate her clients about how their bodies function so they are not just passive in their treatments. She gives them home care so they can continue working to help relieve their physical ailments proactively. She also draws on her experience recovering from her own injuries to understand her clients’ struggles and experiment with how to better support them. She recently added acupuncture to her practice and is continually training in and researching new therapies to better help her clients. Massage and acupuncture provide a powerful tandem approach to more holistically treat what ails the body.


 Swedish remedial massage
 Cranio‐Sacral therapy